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Meet Mello
Created in collaboration with iconic pop artist Steven Harrington, Mello explores the diverse landscape of The Isle with these three limited-edition sets. Through their adventure, Mello meets new active ingredient friends: Hyaluronic Acid, Retinol, and Vitamin C. Together they grow lush Green Tea forests, heal on the Cica pond, and discover their glow.
Meet the Artist
My name is Steven Harrington, and I’m an artist and designer living and working in Los Angeles California. I’m really excited to launch my third collaboration with innisfree. With this project, THE ISLE represents innisfree’s new way of thinking. I had the pleasure of working and collaborating with animator Andy Baker, and we created a frame-by-frame animation that lasted for the duration of one minute. In the animation, you see my main character, Mello, and he is kind of making his way through nature and every time he touches a piece of nature it comes to life magically. And it kind of represents in a sense the various innisfree products. For me, this was like our way of illustrating not only innisfree’s relationship with nature but also its interest in sustainability.